You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > GL Accounts Master File

File - GL Accounts

Use this option to maintain the GL Accounts master file in MGL. GL accounts are the individual account numbers that make up your Chart of Accounts. You use this master file to specify how each GL account is classified on financial reports (e.g. the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement) and how it appears on those reports. Each GL account must be setup and customised to support your company's unique processing and reporting requirements.

Besides copying all accounts from a GL template or from another cost centre, one account may be added to a defined cost centre. When adding the account, Micronet obtains the master file field data from the GL template if the account number exists in the template file.



For a suggested Chart of Accounts that you can use or adapt to your particular requirements, refer to "Standard Micronet Chart of Accounts".

Along with the detail transaction file, the GL Accounts master file is the central financial database for Micronet. This diagram shows the central role the GL Accounts master file plays in the General Ledger system.